Earning With Flash Loan Mastery

| 1 min read

Apart from using Flash Loan Mastery profitably (e.g. arbitrage trading), you can earn a return from Flash Loan Mastery in the following ways:

1. Earn as a Depositor

When you deposit your funds into Flash Loan Mastery mastery, you are entitled to a share of the flash loan fees that accrue to that flash loan pool. For instance, if you supply USDC then any time that a user uses USDC flash loans, the loan fee is deposited into the USDC flash loan pool. When it comes for you to withdraw your USDC, you get the amount that you originally deposited + your share of the loan fees.

2. Earn as a Referrer

Flash Loan Mastery allows you to specify a referrer whenever requesting a flash loan. 0.05% of the loan amount is paid out to this referrer.

This is meant to incentivize developers to integrate Flash Loan Mastery into their apps, websites and tools. Here is a good example of how to do this in code.

   // ...lots of other code

const flashLoan = await getFlashLoanInstructions(
DEFAULT_REFERRER // this could be YOUR wallet address